Friday, 21 April 2017

Our volunteer


This picture was taken at the first day at school,although u was newcomer but u was looking happy on your face which encourages us.

Seconds, minutes and hours counting down already and today for this year #2017 you finish six weeks as volunteer at #sisinawatoto hopefully it was great experience for u especially to be more familiar with kids and for sure u cope with us and prove our Motto "CHILDREN ARE A BETTER BRIDGE IN OUR COMMUNITY".

#sisinawatoto wish u all the best Miss Stephanie  for your entire life.

#KILIMANJARO #TANZANIA #SISINAWATOTO #WEANDTHECHILDREN #WATOTO #Germany #aiesec #teamsisinawatoto #childrenareabetterbridgeinourcommunity #rights #pamoja #love #smile

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